Glucose precursors
To combat energy deficits and boost performances of diary and suckler cows
- Supports blood sugar levels to prevent ketosis and hypoglycaemia
- Ensures a good start to lactation
- Limits the effects of metabolic stress
Glucose precursors to combat energy deficits
Vitalac, an expert in the field
For over 20 years now, we offer glucose precursors to maintain the performances of dairy and suckler cattle.
Energy deficits are the No. 1 problem at the start of lactation. They are responsible for disorders with often alarming and damaging consequences (reduced appetite, unattained milk production peaks, deteriorated fertility, etc.). Our glucose precursors offer precise solutions for your cows’ needs, especially around the calving period. Formulated by our specialists in animal nutrition, adapted according to our field experience and manufactured in our factory using high-end equipment, the solutions we offer are ideal for energy maintenance. Proven by thousands of breeders in France and abroad, they stand up to the test every day in the field.
Technical formulas for targeted action
We offer products manufactured with carefully chosen raw materials. To mitigate energy deficits, we use glucose precursors that immediately boost, and others with well-proven long-term results. What are the advantages of glucose precursors compared to sugars? Sugars feed bacteria in the rumen and are not glycogenic. Glucose precursors feed the cow and are converted into glucose in the liver. Our solutions are specially formulated to limit the risks of ketosis or hypoglycaemia and help combat the negative effects of metabolic stress.